Friday, June 6, 2014

FARCE - A Family Humor Magazine Edition 45 June 4, 2014

The Odds by Bill Harvey

 The Sheltered Life  By Joel Wilhelm

The Professor by Pat Patenaude

The Birdfeeder by Ben Carlson

Rogue Symmetry by  by Derrick Wood

Moxie by Shawn Raymond


FARCE News ((AP)) Asocial Press

Most Americans Can’t Swim

Del Mar, CA - A recent study done by both the University of Canton (PA) and the University of Del Mar (CA) has provided the clearest insight as to the changing habits of America’s youth. Due heavily to the proliferation of electronic devices in our youth culture, such as smart phones and tablets, today’s children are far less likely to venture outside and participate in the traditional activities that have marked the passage of time for those of us in the forty-something-plus set. Since children can find entertainment so easily while lounging on the sofa, or lounging on their bed, or lounging at the local McDonald’s using their free wi-fi service, they do not feel compelled to venture outside. 

The study has found that these new habits are to blame for a large reduction in crank calls, the near extinction of the Flaming bag of Doggy-doo prank, and the ages old activities of ‘Snipe Hunting’ and ‘Cow Tipping’ are an all but forgotten art. Toilet papering a person’s lawn, while still remaining the most popular youth activity that involves the outdoors, has become a mere nuisance to even the worst teachers who have traditionally borne the brunt of our toilet papering ire. Mail boxes are no longer targets too tempting for a baseball bat wielding hoodlum to pass up as there is now an app for that.

Perhaps most surprising of all is the troubling fact that the vast majority of today’s youth cannot swim. Although most children can make Mario swim past, over, around, and through all kinds of hazards and climb out the other end of a dark, submerged pipe with no ill effects the children themselves have no actual ability to convey themselves through a body of water. Experts believe that since there are far fewer children actually learning to swim today then the levels of urine inside swimming pools across the country have fallen dramatically. Much like your kid will should they venture too close to a body of water and fall in because they are watching their cell phones and not where they are going.


The Universe is still expanding.


The Universe Expanding at same rate as Rush Limbaugh's Self-Importance.

No Fire in Pennsylvania's Governor's Mansion. Just Re-election Hopes Going Up In Smoke.

D-Day Celebrations Misunderstood by High Schoolers. Not a Day Celebrating Poor Grades.

Bill Cosby Wears Sweatpants to Funeral. No One Cares.

High School Girl Scarlett Johannson Look-a-Like Can't Get a Date to Prom. Male Classmates Completely Stupid...


If your garbage was strung across your lawn yesterday, it was not us.

The End

          FARCE Magazine is looking for new talent as we obviously have very little here to begin with. So, if you would like to become a contributor, please contact me, the Editor, at and allow us to help launch your successful career and when you're old and wrinkly you can look back and not remember that we helped you get your start. Now, please excuse me as I have to go place a flaming bag of  doggy-doo on my neighbor's stoop.

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